Monday, 14 August 2017

My Graphic Design Services

As well as animation, I also work as a graphic designer - either designing bespoke artwork, logos or images - whatever is needed, really.

This summer, I helped a sensory brand development agency with ideas for their rebrand.

I was given a brief asking for something dynamic, simple, yet bold. They also requested hints of a tiger. They also liked stencil-like and single lines, as well as something geometric. Colour was also important for them, they requested for red to be involved, however, the business name itself couldn't be red.

Being one who likes a challenge, I created some various designs...

When given a rather open brief, it's important to liaise with the client about their thoughts on the ideas, thus far created.

I needed to find out which designs they preferred, so I could keep creating designs along a path of their choosing. Can you guess which design they liked the best?

I was also encouraged to be playful and modern with colour - easing up on the red aspect of the brief. So, the previous set of designs, then took me to these...

Further to this, I was asked to create additional designs that were more geometric and focused on a star shape, that wasn't too recognisable as a star.

I used contrasting colours to those I had already used and chose to keep the text as simple as possible.

This is what I came up with...

What do you think? Which ones do you like the most?

Hope you enjoyed seeing how my ideas and designed developed, following guidance from my client. Pretty interesting, right - to see how an idea evolves and moves forward.

Y'see, as an animator, I like to think I have a few more strings to my creative bow - or at least that's what people tell me.

I'm happy to quote for my services as a designer, if you think I might be right for the project you have in mind, that you need someone who's nifty with photoshop and a few ideas for some good graphic designs.

Marc :)