Whilst putting together final plans for my wedding (8 weeks...stop-bloody-counting-the-weeks), I'm taking a breath to reflect on the work I've done so far in my animation career, and look to the advice from my teachers, seniors and peers.
My first animation tutor, Alex Williams, always said to us that we need to have skin like a rhino. Being an animator, is like being an actor. You'll get rejection, for many different reasons, but the most important thing is that you pick yourself up and keep going. You need thick skin.
Just to remind myself, here are some lovely blog posts, he has written about me:
I must be making an impact with Alex, has he has asked me to help him with support for the new students at Animation Apprentice, with feedback to help improve their shots... Marc Godfrey Joins Animation Apprentice! (All that aside, it's nice isn't it, to reflect on successes... Y'know, instead of listening to that voice in your head, trying to convince you, you suck!)
Alex also wrote this about me, on a different blog. It's funny to scroll to the bottom, and to read, and take in my own advice... Escapee Success Stories - Blue Zoo Animator Marc Godfrey
I've also looked at a couple of Recommendations I've received on Linkedin, from some past Directors. Ahhh.
So, whilst I feel renewed, confident and ready to approach all challenges coming my way, I'm going to get on with a freelance logo design project (which I've nearly finished, I'll write a blog about it soon). As well as designing more stationary and order of service handouts for our big day.
Remember - be a rhino!
Love Marc x